Young Singers – Sundays @ 11:05pm PT

Event details

  • Virtual / On-Line
  • December 18, 2022
  • Sunday, 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
  • $100/4 weeks

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Young Singers – Sundays @ 11:05pm PT

Virtual / On-Line

Sunday, 11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
December 18, 2022


Young Singers

“Young Singers” is a weekly class for singers age 7-10 who want to begin to learn vocal technique while having fun singing their favorite songs. Whether you take private singing lessons with Ruth, one of her affiliated teachers, or your own coach, classes accelerate your learning and provide a fun supportive, community to share your voice. Young Singers also participate in online open-mics, student showcases and are invited to all bonus classes and guest coach classes. ($100/4 weeks) Please subscribe through PayPal first by clicking the button below. You will receive a Young Singers Welcome Letter including Zoom links and instructions within 24hrs.